

Continuous Technologies and Consulting LLC is a software services company located in Houston, TX. With emphasis on DevOps optimization and software tools training, Continuous Tech strives for excellence in every service we provide.



The experts at Continuous Technologies and Consulting LLC have extensive experience in software development, simulation systems, and workflow optimization and have been providing this expertise to the NASA community at Johnson Space Center (JSC) since 2009.  We have completely overhauled several inefficient software workflows for both small and large development teams, one of which has been estimated to have saved NASA $2 million during the software product’s development. Continuous Tech employees have also been training NASA engineers and software developers in various programming languages, source control management systems, and DevOps processes for nearly a decade.

Continuous Tech employees are technical experts with exceptional communication and presentation skills.  We have a long history of exceeding expectations at NASA and we instill that level of excellence in every service we provide.


Dan Jordan, Founder & CEO

Education: BS Aerospace Engineering, MS Aerospace Engineering


Experience: Mr. Jordan has supported Johnson Space Center (JSC) as a contractor since 2009  developing various software and simulation products in support of the International Space Station (ISS), Boeing Commercial Crew (CST-100) and Orion Space Programs. Additionally his work in the field of computer vision led to a patented image recognition system (U.S. Patent 9750238), for which he is a co-inventor.  In graduate school, his thesis work focused on optimizing low-thrust trajectories using evolutionary algorithms and trade space exploration. Mr Jordan's work has been presented at multiple AAS/AIAA Spaceflight Mechanics conferences and published in the Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets.

Fun Fact: Dan has an educational Youtube Channel where he teaches the SCM tool git.