

Hands-on Training Maximizes Learner Retention

Hands-on Training Maximizes Learner Retention

Continuous Technologies prides itself on maintaining expert-level knowledge in state-of-the-art and legacy software languages and tool sets which means we are constantly honing our skill set.  Our training programs are specifically designed to instill a core understanding of the topics in the learner and each program defines testable objectives for the student. By combining traditional presentation of material with hands-on experiences, Continuous Tech training maximizes engagement and retention of content in the learner. We provide all necessary hardware and software for our curriculum, and topics can be mixed and matched to fit your specific training needs.


Software Development Workflow Optimization

Topics Covered

  • Integration Branches & Trust Hierarchy

  • Issues, Merge Requests, Commits, and Traceability

  • Code Review and Approval

  • Continuous Integration and Testing

  • Testable History Density

  • Inter-connectivity of Software Components

  • Identifying Constraints and Choke-points

  • Importance of Tools Retrospective and Reassessment

Linux/Unix Operating Systems

Topics Covered

  • Introduction to Linux/Unix

  • Navigating the Bash Shell

  • Environment & PATH

  • Secure Shell (SSH)

  • Installing Packages

  • Scripting Languages

  • Compiled Languages

  • Overview of GNU/Make

Fundamentals of Git (also on Udemy)

Topics Covered

  • Terminology and Common Commands

  • Understanding Commits and the Tree

  • Remotes, Clones, and Tags

  • Understanding Git Branches

  • Git Diff and Git Difftool

  • Merge Conflict Resolution

  • Merging vs. Rebasing

  • The Git Index

  • Best Practices


Intermediate Git

Topics Covered

  • Git Submodules

  • Topic and Integration Branches

  • Web Interfaces, Merge Requests, and Code Review

  • Stashing

  • Rebasing

  • Effective usage of the index

Advanced Git

Topics Covered

  • Git Stash

  • Git hooks

  • Git Aliases & Attributes

  • Re-writing history

  • Advanced Terminology

  • Managing large binary assets

  • Splitting and Joining Repositories

Gitlab CE/EE

Topics Covered

  • Capability Overview

  • Issues, Milestones, Project Management

  • Branches, Merge Requests, and Code Review

  • Gitlab CI (Continuous Integration)


  • Comparison to Other Tools

  • Best Practices


Jenkins CI

Topics Covered

  • Capability Overview

  • SCM Integration

  • Simple and Complex Pipelines

  • Code Coverage, Unit Test and other Metrics


  • Comparison to Other Tools

  • Best Practices

Software Development on Linux

Topics Covered

  • Text Editors and IDEs

  • Shell Fundamentals

  • GNU Tools & Make

  • Software Development on a Linux Platform

  • Lab Environments and Network File Systems

  • Packaging & Deploying Binaries

  • System Tools

Our topics range from two hours to two days and training can be mixed across multiple domains. At Continuous Tech, we believe learner retention is maximized through a combination of presentation of material and hands-on examples.  Computer equipment can be provided if necessary. If your team could benefit from any of these training programs, contact us today!